Looking after your own lady garden and understanding what’s normal for you is essential to keep it in tip-top condition.
This not only helps reduce your risk of vulval cancer but also optimises your vulval and vaginal health.

Get to know your vulva

"Vulva" is the term used to describe the visible part of the female genitalia, around the vagina area, which includes the inner and outer "lips" (labia) and clitoris.

Remember, there’s no such thing as a normal vulva - they come in all different shapes, sizes and colours. What’s important is that you get to know yours. The way it looks and feels will be unique to you, so knowing yours well is key to telling if something’s up.

The vulva will usually change and become more sensitive and dry during the menopause, but this is often easily treated with daily vulval care. Many women will benefit from vaginal non-hormonal lubricants and/or vaginal hormone therapy.

Caring for your vulva

As one of the most sensitive parts of your body, it’s important to give your vulva the care and attention it needs.

Vulval skin is sensitive and can be easily irritated, so it’s best to avoid irritants such as soaps, bubble baths, hygiene wipes and perfumes.

Wash no more than once a day, with your hands, to avoid dryness and irritation.

Apply an unscented emollient ointment or cream regularly to sooth, protect and act as a barrier.

Wear loose-fitting 100% cotton underwear where possible and sleep without underwear.

Be familiar with the look and feel of your own vulva, so that you can recognise if things look or feel different. Using a mirror to self-examine and taking photographs to allow you to compare for changes can be very helpful.

Signs and symptoms of vulval cancer

These are the most common symptoms of vulval cancer and precancerous conditions, but it’s worth noting that this is a guide, and signs may look and feel different on your skin tone and body.


Remember, most women with symptoms do not have cancer. If you’re at all concerned, visit your doctor to get checked out.



#LoveYourLadyGarden •